How to Create the Email Marketing Value Loop

Concept image of the six most common questions and answers on a signpost.

When you generate leads for your fitness business properly…you learn something about them.

You learn that they’re dealing with back pain or they are planning a wedding and need a quick fix or they’re interested in running their first marathon.

You learn these things by using Lead Magnets.

A Lead Magnet is a small chunk of value given in exchange for a prospect’s contact information. A well-performing Lead Magnet will solve a specific problem with a specific solution for a specific segment of your market.

You got it…specificity is so important that I mentioned it three times.

4 Industry Experts Tips to Build Your Client Base

To successfully develop your business it is not enough to merely offer high quality, expert training. Your business is only as strong as your clients, thus it is essential to develop, expand, and nurture your client base. Here are four quick, easy ways industry insiders use to constantly improve their client base:

1. Get the word out by writing: Paul Kuck, of Club Industry, says writing about fitness can be a great way to get your name out and demonstrate your expertise. He advises trainers to:
“Start writing. Writing is another effective way to tell people that you are the obvious expert and increase your visibility. Magazines, trade journals and newspapers are some of the publications that you can write for. Make sure your articles are interesting and easy to read (e.g. use shorter paragraphs and bullets).”

Alternate Revenue Streams

Hi Fit Pros,

TrainerLisa here and in this month’s fabulous issue of Fitness Professional Online, I’m going to give you some ideas on how to tie in Alternative Streams of Revenue in your business.

Regardless of whether you’re an employee (at a gym, spa or wellness center), you’re an independent contractor, or work for yourself, everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) in our industry has thought of or has some Alternative Stream of Income. And if you don’t but have always thought about it, well think no more, it’s time to act and start securing your future!

Now before I get into what those stream are, and how you can tap into the business with little effort (hopefully), we’ll briefly touch on what exactly Alternative Streams of Revenue are, and what it can mean to you and your business.

The Most Inexpensive Way To Acquire New Clients

Hi Fit Pros,

Happy Spring 20215! TrainerLisa here with an important post that absolutely never gets old year after year and can only give you new ideas, new business, new income levels and that is Client Acquisition (woohoo!!)!

Whether you’re new to our wonderful industry or a seasoned pro, Client Acquisition is how you acquire and get clients, for your Personal Training, Group Ex, Pilates or any type of fitness, health or wellness programs that you’re doing.

This month, we will address how to get clients in different areas whether your online, gym, mobile training, in home or outdoor training.

There are various ways to get clients, but being the fitness industry (and often on a limited budget), we’re going to look at some of the most inexpensive way to acquire new clients as well as too retain your current clients and perhaps get back some of your former clients.

New Clients And Keeping Them Engaged

Getting clients to take action outside the gym can be one of the hardest parts of being an effective trainer.

When we get certified as trainers we learn a ton about how to train people. What we don’t necessarily learn is how deal with people.

To make a career out of training your clients need to see progress pretty quick or else you’ll lose them.

With 168 hours in a week and the fact that you probably only train a person on average 2 times a week. That is less than 2% of the week your client is with you.

If you are not giving them smart easily do-able strategic steps to work on, they will more than likely go right back into their pre-existing way of life resulting in little lifestyle change.

The question remains: How do we best engaged them?

Focus on slow times

Hi Fit Pros Online,

TrainerLisa here with help you with Client Retention. Keeping your clients on track, accountable and showing up can always be challenging, but can also make or break your business. This is especially true for those of you (like myself) who work for yourself.

As many of you seasoned fitness professionals know, and those of you who are new to the industry will learn (very quickly) once the holiday season (mid-October through January 02nd) gets into full swing, your clients, members and students go into holiday full mode swing also!

The key is how to keep your clients coming in during the holidays, vacations, company parties and other distractions that can cause big gaps in your day as well as in your pocket.

Here’s some tips on how to keep your clients showing up, getting results, staying accountable and of course you staying busy:

Launching Successful Club Programs

Without an effective launch process and strategy any new program will fail! It is important to have a formal process in place to evaluate, plan and then execute effective program launches including a detailed timeline with tasks, responsibilities and dates to ensure that a new program is successful.

There are several key areas to consider for any new program launch:

1. What is the Market for the new program?
Who is the ideal customer for this program (age, sex, profile, member, non-member)? The more specific and clearly defined the better!
Why will this particular program appeal to this group?

Looking Ahead: Marketing for the New Year NOW!

Hi Fit Pros,

Happy September to you all, and I hope you’re ready and fired up for 2015! For those of you who aren’t (don’t worry, you’re not alone my friends), TrainerLisa’s here to give you some helpful tools to help you get prepared and ready to make 2015 your best year ever!

Planning for the New Year starts…NOW! Not in December, definitely not in January and maximally in November. The reason behind this is when it comes to marketing (trust me on this one), your competitors have already put the “5W’s/1H” of business and marketing! If you’ve already started thinking about what you want to do and what you’ve already done in the past, you’re already well ahead of the pack!

If you work in a gym or contract for a gym, often your hands are tied to what you want to do, but…if you work for yourself…your sky is the limit!

Avoid Being Everything To Everyone

Big box gyms are everywhere. They made their mark in the fitness industry and paved the way for many successful business model practices. I am sure many of you realize the change that is here in our industry as we speak: the growth of group training and facilities geared toward specialty training. I think the big box gyms served their purpose but may be on a downward spiral. I also believe we are now reinventing the wheel and having to create a new branch of service and policies for the average fitness enthusiast. Did the big box gyms do a disservice to the fitness industry? Maybe yes? Maybe no?

I strongly believe that in order to fuel success you must pave a completely separate path from the big box gyms and demand a level of quality and service for your staff and clients like no one else. Separate yourself from everyone else! Why are you different? Fitness can be one of the toughest services to sell so do a damn good job of selling what you believe!

Four Fitness Technologies for Personal Training Businesses

Many fitness professionals probably got into this industry so they didn’t have to deal much with technology and computers and the like. But, let’s face it, it’s here to stay and we might as well take advantage of it. In this article we will look at four points of technology that can help you in your fitness business.

1. Credit Card Processing – Let’s start here with a payment processor that allows you to take credit cards because nothing happens until you make a sale, right? The 800 pound gorilla is . It will offer you credibility and confidence in the consumer’s mind. It has relatively low transaction fees. You can use a range of their tools available, but the thing I like most is the ability to use automatic recurring billing (ARB). I suggest charging clients a monthly fee (like a membership) for your training service. Each person is charged automatically on either the first or 15th of the month. This way, you get paid every two weeks and can smooth out your cash flow and make predictions easier.


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