The Importance of Reflection and Planning as a Fitness Professional


Reflection is vital to our growth but yet so many neglects to take time daily, weekly, or even monthly to reflect. Reflection, by definition, is giving something serious thought or consideration.

Best ways to build reflection into your routine regularly:

Take time at the end of each activity whether it is a phone call, training session, workshop or consultation and review your results. Did you achieve the desired outcome you wanted? What went right? How could you improve before next time?

Programming Your Success

“What gets measured gets done.” There is a reason why this old cliché is very much valid in the financial and business world. It is crucial to creating a plan and have quantitative data in order to measure progress and improvements, and to ultimately increase performance, right?

Well, client programming is making a plan for improvements. As fitness professionals, we should consider ourselves in the business and financial world and client programming is the gateway to a beneficial fitness career.

Be sure not to fall victim to the disease of walking into the gym without a plan and just putting your client through a workout. Because after all “Comfort is a slow death.” Instead, client programming is a simple discipline that will set fitness professionals apart from your every day “fitness hobbyist.”

Sandbag Training

Sandbags have been around for centuries.  They were used by wrestlers, strongmen and in martial arts.  In recent years it has caught the mainstream as functional fitness for both the elite exerciser and the everyday athlete. Sandbags are shown as a serious strength and conditioning too.  In this article, I will give you some basic reasons, guidelines, and strategies for incorporating the sandbag in your workout.

It is great for conditioning and increasing cardio heart rates as well as constant integrating unstable movement in some HITT activities.  Dumbbells are stable and sandbags with the same weight are not.  Sandbags challenge both the mind and the body. Another benefit is that they are inexpensive and can be made cheap with homemade equipment or just a duffle bag securing closed.

Get Kids Active with Go Noodle!

My passion is both education and fitness.  As a special and elementary teacher and certified trainer and instructor, I see where so many teachers are overwhelmed to keep their children focused, happy and busy. So in order to keep with the demands of pressure to teach academic concepts, there is a website that allows teachers to motivate, refocus and get the wiggles out that is available at both home and school.  This website is GoNoodle.

Lessons with a Ladder

The agility ladder is a great tool to use for training for children as well as inexpensive and easy to use.  Ladders can range from chalk drawings outside to using a dry erase marker, duct tape inside and sports tape inside a gym.  Kids love the equipment and they can easily shuffle, crawl, jump or hop through each rung as they practice their math facts, spelling words, grammar or multiple guess questions.

Creative Content for Your Fitness Instagram

As you probably know, Instagram has lately climbed its way up to be the hottest marketing platform, especially with the recent opening of Instagram Ads accelerating the pace of marketers putting effort into Instagram. You’re probably in a frantic thinking about what kind of content you are putting out. Obviously, to build a follower base on Instagram, you need high-quality content. That does not include big brand marketing budget, fancy video equipment, or celebrity endorsements. It is really about creative video content that people really care about. Instagram is a platform where you get to genuinely engage with your followers.

15 Practical Ways on How To Get More Clients

I recently sat down with a trainer that works part-time and was frustrated that she was not as busy as she wanted to be.  When I spoke about her schedule and availability, I spoke that her hours of “9-1” Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday from 8-1 weren’t “ideal” but that is not an excuse to not be busy during those times.

So I asked her how she is spending her time from 10-1 (she has a session at 9 am) to be productive.  Her response baffled me:  “I workout for an hour and then I run errands.”

So I said, “How is this going to help you get sessions?”

To which she replies, “If it’s not going to pay me, I can’t justify spending time working on stuff for FREE anymore.”

How To Properly Build Your Brand

Over time, branding has evolved to have a variety of meanings. But when trying to think about creating YOUR brand, a great place to start is looking at why Nike, Adidas, Starbucks, Apple, and even Disney stand out from the rest. What makes a consumer or client lean towards one product or service more than another? The answer is marketing, but more specifically, it is the power of branding. It is the idea of both tangible and intangible characteristics that make the brand unique. It is developing an image, even a promise, with successful results.

Every company needs a brand or even a persona of its own, but it is important for YOU, the entrepreneur, to build and define that brand yourself before it gets defined for you. You get to choose how you portray your company/business – so it would be smart to take some dedicated time to really cultivate what you want.

Artistic ABS- Flatter ABS in a Week

Every muscle and organ have its own function and task, but our core is the Queen of your body. It is the fundamental part of our body that keeps our posture upright, supports our back, keeps our immunity and keeps our major organs well intact. Basically, if you did not have a core you could not do 90% of things you are already doing, so begin loving your core.

Now that we all share something in common- abs, the question is who has the prettiest and best-designed abs? The way we train our abs can differentiate how our abs look like. For example, if you do heavy weight training you develop more of the 6 pack abs look. If you exercise holistically you will develop a more natural look.

The Physiological and Mechanical Tradeoff

As a personal trainer, one of the difficulties I often run into is trying to balance what a client can do with what they want to do.  Often times these situations will look like this:

Client: “I want to build my glutes.”

Me: “Okay, let’s add in some lunges today.”

Client: (During the first set) “Ouch, this is bothering my knee.”

I call this dilemma the physiological/mechanical tradeoff.  It’s a tradeoff because, as personal trainers, we know how we want to challenge our clients’ physiology, but we need to be able to do so within the mechanical parameters that are presented.


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