Want to Live a Longer Life? Start Cycling!

Around 100 million Americans cycle every year, but few make it a habit as shown by a survey conducted by the Breakaway Research Group for People with Bikes. Around 34% of Americans ride their bike at least once a year, but around 14 million do so at least twice a week. The results are a wakeup call to those wanting to reap the biggest benefits of cycling. One study published as recently as January 2020 in the International Journal of Epidemiology (IJE), for instance, showed that people who cycle to work have a lower risk of falling ill. What do recent studies say on cycling and why can this unique sport help people enjoy a longer, better life?

Body Language for Personal Trainers, Teachers and Group Instructors

With a competitive work environment, gone are the days where people would come to us willingly for change. No matter the field, we are always on display to positively promote our product. Not only are we teachers, instructors, or personal trainers, we are also salespersons. Having positive body language will land us more clients and students with positive results. Here is an article on the importance of displaying positive communication to others. It will also help as you navigate through working with others and seeing even indirectly how they feel.

Allergies + Exercise: An Overview

Allergies are considered American’s most common disease of the abnormal-response immune system. They cause an overreaction to substances that are ordinarily harmless, called allergens, which affect 2 out of 10 Americans through environmental issues.  Allergies are characterized by an overreaction to a foreign protein substance (“allergen”) that is eaten, breathed into the lungs, injected, or touched.  This can be a one-time occurrence or exposure to that allergen over a period of time. This immune overreaction can result in symptoms such as coughing, hives, or another skill reaction, sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, difficulty breathing, scratchy throat, and asthma. An estimated 50 million Americans suffer from all types of allergies. It is not just a kid illness anymore, with a high amount of people getting treated for allergies starting over the age of 30.

The Safety of Running Solo

The sport of running has become more and more popular with not just elite athletes but exercisers of all kinds.  Even people who would have never dreamed of completing a 5K to a 50K are now running.  But, unfortunately, most of us live in a world full of people who are taking unfair, cruel, and terrible advantage of this sport. Running with a group is best and provides not only safety but needed social interaction.  However, sometimes there is no choice but to run by yourself due to your schedule, need to complete necessary training, and those times when you just need a break.  Here are some tips that will help you as you safely go solo:

Headaches, Migraines, and Other Pains in the Head

Headaches are unpleasant pains in your head that can cause pressure and aching. They can range from mild to severe pain and usually occur on both sides of your head. Some specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, and back of the neck. A headache can last anywhere from 30 minutes to a week. Tension headaches aren’t the only type of headaches that occur. Other headache types include: Cluster headaches are severely painful headaches that occur on one side of the head and come in clusters. This means you experience cycles of headache attacks, followed by headache-free periods. Often confused with migraines, sinus headaches co-occur with sinus infection symptoms such as fever, stuffy nose, cough, congestion, and facial pressure. These headaches are intense or severe and often have accompanying symptoms in addition to head pain. Symptoms associated with a migraine headache include nausea, pain behind one eye or ear, pain in the temples, seeing spots or flashing lights, sensitivity to light and/or sound, temporary vision loss, and vomiting. A migraine headache will cause intense pain that may be throbbing and will make performing daily tasks very difficult.

Over-the-Counter Pain Medications:  A Guide for the Middle-aged Athlete

As a middle-aged athlete trying to reverse the curse of overuse, injuries, and daily stresses of life and the workplace, I have encountered various bouts of lowered fitness due to pain. It is easier than not to just pop a pill and pray that it will take away the pain that you are experiencing. But not all pain medications are the same. This article will help you learn which kind and form is best. Most painkillers fall into two classes:  Acetaminophen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).

Asthma and Exercise

Over 25 million people in the United States alone suffer from asthma. The incidence of asthma in Americans has gone up 75% in the last fifteen years due to urbanization. Seventy percent of those who suffer from asthma also suffer from allergies. Asthma accounts for one-quarter of all emergency room visits in the United States each year, and the costs associated with asthma in the US add up to $18 billion annually.


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