Throwback Thursday: The Trainer Fuel Experiment (February 23, 2013)

This week’s Throwback Thursday piece is “The Trainer Fuel Experiment”, written by Acea Theroux on February 23, 2013.

“As fitness professionals, we sometimes go a little overboard when trying to prove a point, or, at least, I know I do. This article and 6-day wellness journal are based on a true story of a personal nutrition experiment I conducted (on myself) back in 2009.”

December 13th Sunday 2009

Today I’m going to start an experiment to help a few of my clients better understand some of the nutritional theories and methodologies that I have learned, used and applied over the years. Why am I doing this experiment? Well, I have a few clients who are on the fence regarding the importance of specified energy sources and daily healthy food choices for each individual person. And, some still have doubts that everyone is different and will react differently to all sorts of foods (the good, bad and indifferent). Now, I’m not saying it is an easy process to figure this out, but it is important and it is well worth it, trust me! There has been a lot of trial and error for my clients and me over the years (and let’s not count how many total years it has been, we can just say a lot).

What promotions can I offer to drive new clients to me?

Hi Fit Pro,

TrainerLisa here, Happy Holidays and I hope you’re excited to kick off 2016 with the renewal of current clients, and an in-box filled with inquiries of potential new clients clamoring for you and your services!

Now, how can you get those fabulous new, committed clients to contact you, let alone show up looking for your services? Well, wonder no more! I’m going to give you some ideas that I hope will get you excited and fired up to get started NOW and not waste another day trying to re-invent the wheel. But first, have you experienced the Fit Pro Cycle? If you’re not sure…read on:

What questions should I ask that will help uncover any emotional resistance my clients have to their physical success?

This is an interesting question that definitely explores the psychology aspect of our role as a trainer.  Initially, you might think “why would anyone be resistant to achieving their goals?” However, I’ve seen it so often with clients, potential clients, people that aren’t even my clients, etc.… it’s a common issue that is sometimes erroneously perceived as a lack of motivation.  However, emotional resistance is something that goes deeper than motivation.

A client can be motivated to change but, simultaneously, emotionally resistant.  For example, I’d be willing to bet that most trainers reading this have worked with a client who had New Year’s resolutions to get in shape but it somehow fell flat.  The motivation was there… the client took that all important step to approach you. Whether they recently had a health scare/wake-up call, wanted to get rid of the spare tire around their belly or incorporate more healthy habits into their lifestyle, they knew they needed to take steps towards their goals.  They may not have known what the next steps were (which is why they came to youJ) but they knew they had to take them.  HOWEVER, their level of motivation was not as strong as their power of emotional resistance.  In other words, their motivation to change was not enough to elicit change…

Fitness News for December 7th

Here’s the best of what’s going on in the health and fitness world for the week of December 7th, 2015.  Top 20 fitness trends of 2016 start with wearable techs such as smartwatches: Digital devices that track steps and heart rate beat out high-intensity interval training,…

What are the top 3 things I should do outside of face-to-face training that will keep my clients happy and raving about my services?

Whether you’re a fitness professional who has just started with a new client or have been training the same client for multiple years, providing top-notch service will always separate you apart from others. Impeccable service is not only crucial to obtaining new business but is the necessary foundation that every fitness professional needs to abide in retaining the clientele that you already have.

So, how do you separate yourself from the rest of a competitive field of fitness professionals? One word — integrity. There’s no faking integrity since your clients are intelligent enough to know if someone doesn’t genuinely care about their well-being or is even being dishonest with them. Integrity is what your client witnesses and feels emotional with you on a personal level. Besides tremendous service in the trainer/client session, you must go even further to truly produce excellent service.

Throwback Thursday: Glorious (Injurious) Gluten (January 18, 2013)

This week’s Throwback Thursday piece is “Glorious (Injurious) Gluten”, written by Kristy Mox on January 18, 2013. 

Every now and then I am reminded of, what has become old hat to me,  the new “shiny object” (to avoid) for some. This particular shiny object I am referring to is Gluten.

Before I even venture down this path, I want to be very clear about something; while I may have done enough independent research, out of sheer necessity, and visited enough healthcare facilities to be awarded an honorary degree, I am NOT a Doctor. I’m not even a Phlebotomist.

All my life I’ve been a bit of a medical oddity. There’s been nothing textbook about my body, and the way it responds to “modern” medicine. I could ramble about my medical history for days. Unfortunately, no matter how many times, or how many people have attempted to dissect it, the puzzle pieces never seem to match up. I won’t bore you with my complete medical history, as there simply isn’t enough Ritalin in this world to hold anyone’s attention for that. Not even my own. Yes, you can add Attention Deficit Disorder to that loooooooong list.

Throwback Thursday: The Importance of Stretching and Flexibility for You and Your Clients (January 21, 2013)

This week’s Throwback Thursday piece is “The Importance of Stretching and Flexibility for You and Your Clients”, written by Acea Theroux in January 21, 2013. 

Flexibility is one of the five essential components (Strength Training, Cardiovascular Training, Proper Nutrition, Flexibility & Rest) that we as fitness professionals preach to our clients, yet it’s frequently abandoned. Let’s all be open and honest here for a second. How often do you personally, or have you seen exercisers, go through a routine and then decide to skip stretching for any number of reasons like:

Fitness News for November 16th

Here’s the best of what’s going on in the health and fitness world for the week of November 16, 2015.  Fitness versus fatness: which matters more? Are exercise and improving fitness more important than eating well and maintaining a healthy weight?… ‘Postpartum is forever’: Fitness…

Demand for my time is high. How can I address raising prices for my current clients without losing or upsetting them?

You’re stressed out, feeling uneasy but know you need to make a change. Your livelihood is on the line!

Should you raise your rates or keep them where they currently are? Are you making a big mistake if you raise them? Or is this what you are supposed to do? What’s the best plan of action for yourself and your business?

These worries and questions are normal when you are running your own personal training business. While your business should always focus on providing the best and most effective fitness training, it’s also imperative that you structure your income to reflect your worth (and needs) as well.

Check out these three key points if you are currently facing this situation in managing your own training fee structures:

Throwback Thursday: 7 Extraordinary simple, hard exercises on the floor (June 8, 2013)

This week’s Throwback Thursday piece is “7 Extraordinary simple, hard exercises on the floor”, written by Karsten Jensen in June 8, 2013. 

In the pursuit of world class strength, power, speed or endurance, we can afford to leave no potentially beneficial training method on the table. The best strength coaches and personal trainers embrace the whole spectrum of training methods from extremely simple, no equipment methods, like bodyweight exercises on the floor, to high tech measurement tools like myo test (

This article is about one of the simplest, yet most effective, new bodyweight exercises on the floor.


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