Basics for a Good Elementary Fitness Program
Children in a elementary school fitness program should learn to love physical activities, develop basic motor and perceptual abilities. There should be an emphasis on balance, body and space awareness, hand/eye coordination, and running skills. Specialization of skills should be saved for the junior high elementary program.
A good program should involve personalization for each child. A child who is slow or handicapped should receive the same attention as a gifted athlete. Children should learn to love physical education and see the importance of adding it to their daily routine.
Children must learn to master running, jumping, throwing, and catching. Proper form must be emphasized and systematically taught. Children should have opportunities to work on their perceptual-motor abilities and overcome any perceptual motor deficiencies. Children need to learn the rules and basics for sports and specific instruction to work on the general skills needed for that sport. Sports should be taught for a lifetime.