Basics for a Good Elementary Fitness Program

Children in a elementary school fitness program should learn to love physical activities, develop basic motor and perceptual abilities. There should be an emphasis on balance, body and space awareness, hand/eye coordination, and running skills. Specialization of skills should be saved for the junior high elementary program.

A good program should involve personalization for each child. A child who is slow or handicapped should receive the same attention as a gifted athlete. Children should learn to love physical education and see the importance of adding it to their daily routine.

Children must learn to master running, jumping, throwing, and catching. Proper form must be emphasized and systematically taught. Children should have opportunities to work on their perceptual-motor abilities and overcome any perceptual motor deficiencies. Children need to learn the rules and basics for sports and specific instruction to work on the general skills needed for that sport. Sports should be taught for a lifetime.

Lifetime Fitness for the Young Child

Every adult in a child’s life has the possibility to make a positive difference in that young person’s life. This positive influence can be felt in a variety of ways. Most important, make sports and fitness activities fun.

Specialization of sports should not begin until adolescence. Allow a child to have the opportunity to try as many kinds of athletic activities as he shows an interest. Keep the environment of fitness safe and exciting. Find out the reason for the child’s desire to be involved in the activity. Is it to play with his friends or to develop in a particular sport or activity? Winning should not be the result of competing in sports. There should be more focus on skill development rather than on perfect performance.

You Are What You Eat: The Chicken and the Egg Part 1

This part of the series covers various types of poultry, not just chicken, as well as what they lay — eggs. All too often, people limit their fare to the point where what they eat is so boring that they either become compulsive, binge, or give up altogether. There is more to life than boiled, skinless chicken breast.That said, allow me contradict myself immediately by saying that every fitness foodie’s freezer should contain a large bag of flash-frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts! As long as you know how to prepare them properly, they’re easy, quick and delicious, but don’t limit yourself. Live a little and enjoy Nature’s bounty.

Chicken – Since we’re on the subject, let’s start with the most common form of poultry in the United States. Like beef, there are several different varieties, such as capons (a castrated rooster – the same idea as a steer), roasters (usually large), fryers (the most common) and stewing hens (old layers used for making soup). Because of the demand, you can purchase either a whole chicken; what’s often termed “best of fryer” which leaves out the bonier parts; or only one part, such as drummettes, which are often prepared with a hot sauce for messy, albeit delicious, appetizers.

Keys to Being an Excellent Fitness Coach

In the industry of wellness and fitness, it is hard even with this economy to compete with the vast array of fitness coaches that make part of our industry. But at times, there are a few that shine above the rest. Do you want to be that coach? Here are some ways that you can stand out and be the person whomakes a difference in someone’s life.
First, a coach has to motivate his athletes.
If athletes believe in themselves, they are apt to play and do their best. This can happen as a result of positive talk and messages from their coach. The coach’s goal should be to motivate their player to come back and be excited to play that particular sport again. A good coach must like people and have lots of enthusiasm. This is why people are drawn to a great coach.

What is Bad Posture and How Do You Correct It?

Integrating successful corrective exercise strategies into client programs to alleviate their aches and pains is easy if you have a good understanding of posture. This article provides a brief explanation the most common postural imbalances and exercises you can use to correct them.

The downward pull of gravity places a tremendous amount of stress on your feet. If your feet are deconditioned (and most people’s are), they tend to flatten in response to this pressure (i.e., overpronate). When your foot overpronates, your ankle rotates inwardly over your foot toward the middle of your body. Your leg follows your ankle, causing both your lower and upper leg to rotate inward. These imbalances of the foot and leg cause the knee to shift inward also (i.e., medial knee displacement). Over time, these compensations can lead to excessive pressure on the knee and ankle joints, causing discomfort and dysfunction in these areas (see Image 1).

Attention All Personal Trainers: Guess, Do Not Assess!

Much like my dietary advice this article will go against the grain, so to speak. Every personal trainer is taught that they must go through a thorough assessment with their clients. The more information they gather, the better. Well, after 17 years in this business, I do far less assessing and far more guessing – not to be different, but to be efficient. I have found many similar patterns that exist among individuals, and through the years I have developed systems of training that produce “reproducible” results. Where the client fits into these systems depends on their individual needs and goals. Often, assessments can be conducted through the training process, rather than a separate entity on its own. This can save the client time and money and can actually lead to better results.

Wood Chop + Standing High Cable Pull – a superior combination for maximal safety and efficiency

I have a stupid question for you.

Do you want to make the most of your training time? Are you interested in burning the maximal amount of calories and while stimulating increases in muscle mass, all in the shortest possible amount of time?

I am sure your answer those questions are yes.

Well, so called combination exercises fits the bill. In a combination exercise you combine (hence the word) to or more exercises in a smooth sequence.

7 Extraordinary simple, hard exercises on the floor

In the pursuit of world class strength, power, speed or endurance, we can afford to leave no potentially beneficial training method on the table. The best strength coaches and personal trainers embrace the whole spectrum of training methods from extremely simple, no equipment methods, like bodyweight exercises on the floor, to high tech measurement tools like myo test (

This article is about one of the simplest, yet most effective, new bodyweight exercises on the floor.

When I teach new personal trainers, I always say that regardless of their background and their personality, there is at
least some part of the personal training process, where their strength’s come in to play.

Is Age Just A Number: Training with older clients

As one of the largest populations, the baby-boomer generation will have an undeniable impact on the world. The over-65 crowd will almost double in size by the year 2030. Not to mention people are living longer and more health-conscious than ever, setting the stage for a generous influx of senior citizens seeking personal training services. Exercise is beneficial for every age group, but must be tailored accordingly for this population.

Before actually delving into any specific workouts, educate the client’s family about what type of program you offer. Print out your routines that you have planned and instruct the family so they may offer the best support possible. Ask your client and their family members what types of activities they currently engage in as well as possible activities they wish they were able to take part in. This will inform your workout program, focusing on exercises that are representative of your client’s most common activities.

3 Tips to Storing Your Fitness Equipment

If you run a fitness business or have your own private gym in your home, then you know how much space and hassle fitness equipment can cause. Although the preferred use of this equipment would be for you or your clients to break some serious sweat with it, it is important to be realistic. You need to recognize what fitness toys you are not using but are just taking up too much space. Parting with your equipment is probably a little daunting and too permanent, so why not settle for moving some of your unused fitness tools into storage? Here are 3 tips on determining whether or not you should move your equipment into storage.


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