Periodization and Business

Position Your Business to offer Long term packages with Principles of Periodization
“Will you paint my picture?” the lady said.

“Absolutely,” Picasso answered.

Thirty seconds later the picture was complete.

“That will be 5000 dollars,” Picasso said.

“Five thousand dollars?! It took you 30 seconds!” The lady was shocked.

“It took 30 years to learn to paint the picture in 30 seconds.”

Five Love Languages in the Gym

Sometimes we feel like we just are not connecting with our staff, clients, and athletes. A few years ago, I discovered the Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. They transformed the way I work with my fellow co-workers, athletes, friends, and family. With just a little time and effort, you can make those who you have not been able to reach more open to you. In this next paragraph, I will describe each of the five languages as well as ways to inspire and motivate those around you.

Fitness Clothes To Motivate The Mature Woman

Whether you’re 16 or 60, working out is a way to ensure good health and a fit body. For adults aged 65 years and older, the CDC recommends at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week and muscle-strengthening workouts at least twice a week. Having the motivation to exercise when you’re older can be a challenge, but wearing the right fitness clothes can make you look forward to sweating it out in the gym or outdoors. Even the fashion industry knows this as it has caught on to the demand for beautiful and functional fitness wear dubbed as athleisure clothing which has an estimated market size of $44 billion in the US alone.

5 Ways to Make Your Fitness Website Look Professional

As a fitness professional, you most likely want your website to attract new clients, provide information about yourself and your services, and share health and fitness information/instruction as a resource for current clients and the fitness community at large.

These goals definitely overlap. When prospective clients come to your website, they will be interested in your professional background, your services, and your expertise.

Embrace the Change

Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her period has ceased to exist for at least 12 months straight.  It can be a mixture of relief and sadness.  Relief that monthly cycles have ceased with the inconvenience of pain and pads as well as the risk of becoming pregnant. But also sadness, knowing that the dream of having a child is impossible without the intervention of medical procedures or hormone treatments.  In any case, there are many strange things that happen to the body.

Physically, there is an increased risk of weight gain––particularly in the middle––headaches, back pain, and changes in armor and skin. Hot flashes, joint pain, stiffness, and urinary incontinence are also common. Emotionally, someone going through this is at times irritable and has trouble sleeping anxiety, and lack of concentration. Sexual desire also lessens during this period. Gastrointestinal problems, including bloating, may also occur.

Healthy Enough For The Fitness Industry?

Fitness and healthcare should be two sides of the same coin. As consumers of both, it makes sense to maintain fitness and manage any health issues that arise as part of a continuum. However, the provision of fitness and healthcare is all too often dichotomized. Geographically, the two are usually separate. You go to a hospital or clinic to be treated when something goes wrong and you go to the leisure center or gym to work on your fitness. Politically, they are managed by distinct departments with different priorities. As professionals, we are trained to work in one or the other. Sometimes it feels like never the twain shall meet! In this article, I discuss my experience as a healthcare professional attempting to cross the boundary and make some friends in fitness.

3 Tips to Cleaning Your Fitness Equipment Effectively

According to the EmLab P&K, 52% of bacteria found in the gym come from treadmills. Along with a pool of perspiration, germs can lead to a host of other nasty infections. Gym-goers must brace the risk of infections that include E.coli, ringworms, athlete’s foot, staph infection, and plantar warts. If not detected, these infections can lead to serious skin conditions.

Ice and Heat

As fitness professionals, we are more than just trainers we are the ones who share in both the joys and sorrows of life. Sometimes that can include injuries. During our sessions, we take great care not to cause or inflict pain on our clients but with only meeting with our individuals a few hours of a week there are many hours that they are on their own and the impact of accidents or preexisting conditions can occur.

As a certified instructor, it is important to share with our clients when an injury occurs how to appropriately treat the injury. This article is dedicated to giving advice when they occur that we can help our participants be knowledgeable when they have an injury to adequately treat their condition.

Disability Youth Overview Part 5

This is the last of our series.  We will discuss learning disabilities, autism, and behavior differences.
Learning Disability
A learning disability is a disorder in which spoken or written language, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, or mathematical calculations is a struggle. That learner is typically one or more grade levels below the average child, and for that individual, learning is quite difficult. Milestones in motor skills and memorization are inhibited. If a teacher or trainer can provide activities using the learner’s strengths, increased visual and verbal directions, and hands-on experiences, the learner can experience success. Many people misunderstand students with learning disabilities and mistakenly characterize them as lazy, weird, and socially impaired. These persons learn differently, and the attuned teacher or trainer must realize that learners should work in their own ways.

You’re Right, Personal Trainers Aren’t Sales People!

 “It’s not my job to sell people, it’s my job to train people”

With words like pushy, annoying, sleazy and yuck springing to most peoples minds when they think of a salesperson, it’s little wonder personal trainers hate being associated with this label.

And with the rise of more and more people becoming personal trainers in today’s already saturated market, getting reoccurring paying clients can be almost as difficult as getting a perfect squat.

So can you really be a successful personal trainer with lots of paying clients without being the ‘pushy’ salesperson?

Have a look at the top reasons why personal trainers aren’t salespeople and what can be done about it to create the perfect balance between the two titles.


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