I recently did a self-experiment.  I posted 30 days of videos to my personal FB and IG accounts (#deepthoughtswithriver).  As a recently converted digital nomad, my sister was legitimately concerned that maybe, out of isolation, I was talking to my dog (River) a bit too much.  She may be right, but that wasn’t the point.

The point is that social media has become a place where people post things (images, memes, videos, etc) that only reflect the images of their “perfect” lives.  Real life is far from perfect…we all know that.

Real life is far from perfect…we all know that.

I was fearful that posting videos on social about real struggles, pitfalls, and minor successes would leave me vulnerable to harsh criticism.  

It didn’t.  In fact, it was the opposite.  I heard from people I hadn’t talked to in years (if not decades) saying that they resonated with things I said.  It even generated income. Most importantly, it stripped social media of the internal power it had over me. I was no longer concerned with “what people would say or think.”

Now hold that thought.  In a recent interview with Josh Hillis, he made a great point.  For the LARGE majority of our clients, we, as health/fitness pros, are generally only better than them at one or two things – fitness & nutrition.  You may disagree, but I’m talking mass generalizations over the industry.

This mindset shift is HUGE.

Your prospects and clients are tired of our industry’s perceived moral superiority and authoritative stance.  Be real with them. Talk about your struggles in all aspects of life. Are you learning how to market your business?  It’s just like clients learning nutritional awareness. Do you struggle with personal relationships? I’m sure many of your clients have overcome similar challenges.

The industry has gone left, so you go right.  Make authenticity a solid component of your brand message and I’m willing to bet you’ll get heard and expand your network.  

Agree?  Disagree?  Let me know.  After all, I’m just another human being trying to figure it all out.

If you’re interested in these types of conversations (aka REAL ones), I urge you to check out our newest Mastermind Group. We’ll be waiting for you.

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Eric Malzone

Eric Malzone

Eric’s professional experience stems from a decade in various sales and marketing roles that led him to open a CrossFit (TM) affiliate in 2009, Gravitas Fitness. After 8+ years of gym ownership and a deep analysis of his own “ideal day,” Eric decided to sell his gym and go full throttle into FMA.

The success that he saw during his days as a gym owner, can now be leveraged to help thousands of gym owners worldwide.
Eric Malzone


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