Contributing to Your Client: Three Keys to Aligning Inner and Outer Goals
What would it be like to have your clients walk away not only achieving their goals but also feeling great about their experience with you? What is behind the motivation to have a healthy body and lots of energy? The desire to be happy! Even if someone truly just wants to improve the physical condition of their body, they likely got to where they are because of feeling like they lack in some area. What good is a healthy body if you are not happy? You can take things up a notch for your clients by including an individualized inner wellness program that assesses the three following areas.
How is your client breathing?
Breathing is the foundation of our existence. Without it, how would we be alive? The way we breath can trigger the parasympathetic nervous system to relax the fight or flight response. We have a sharp quick inhale when we are met with a surprise or fear, or a long slow exhale when we make a sigh of relief. If you start to listen to the quality of your clients’ breathing, you can learn a lot about their attitudes.