Unlocking the Benefits of Hiking

More and more people are seeking the health benefits of heading outdoors. In 2017, hiking outranked fishing as the most popular type of camping recreation for the first time since the first iteration of the North American Camping Report. From the fresh air and stunning views, it can provide to the great form of cardio you can receive, hiking is suitable for many fitness goals and body types. Deemed a mind and body workout, hiking is an exercise that holds physical as well as mental benefits and can force you to get out of your everyday routine to experience the great big world waiting outside for you.

Zones of Regulation for Trainers and Teachers

Self-regulation refers to our ability to control our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in relation to our environment. Examples of self-regulation are resisting emotional outbursts when something upsets us, controlling impulses, calming down when someone feels worried or anxious, and transitioning from one task to another. Teachers and trainers can help children with special needs or emotional challenges. They can use the method of the zones of regulation to recognize and help their clients navigate their emotions in the gym classroom.

Incorporating Moderate Exercise Into Your Busy Lifestyle

The average American is faced with a myriad of challenges in their daily lives with one of the most commonplace being their own health. Somewhere between juggling a demanding career with a loving, yet equally challenging family life, they have forgotten that their own well-being is dependent on healthy nutrition and regular exercise. Despite the Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 50 minutes of moderate exercise a week, only approximately 23% of American adults meet these requirements according to the CDC.

Speed Workouts

Whether you are a turtle or a rabbit, speed training is an effective method of any injury-free- based runner. First of all, runners should avoid speed training until they have run for six months or more. It is important for any kind of speed work to start with dynamic warm-ups and slow running with a rate of perceived exertion of 5 and with speed training of 7–8 out of a scale of 1–10. Start with short sets of speed training time, and once you can hit the same pace for those reps, begin to add more. Speed training can be done individually or in groups. The advantage to using a group is accountability but the negative side is that sometimes people are pushed too much. If time does not allow you to work in a group, get a schedule that includes some of the following speed training forms such as hills, stair climbing, fartlek, and tempo.

Fitness Clothes To Motivate The Mature Woman

Whether you’re 16 or 60, working out is a way to ensure good health and a fit body. For adults aged 65 years and older, the CDC recommends at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week and muscle-strengthening workouts at least twice a week. Having the motivation to exercise when you’re older can be a challenge, but wearing the right fitness clothes can make you look forward to sweating it out in the gym or outdoors. Even the fashion industry knows this as it has caught on to the demand for beautiful and functional fitness wear dubbed as athleisure clothing which has an estimated market size of $44 billion in the US alone.


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