Whether you are a turtle or a rabbit, speed training is an effective method of any injury-free- based runner. First of all, runners should avoid speed training until they have run for six months or more. It is important for any kind of speed work to start with dynamic warm-ups and slow running with a rate of perceived exertion of 5 and with speed training of 7–8 out of a scale of 1–10. Start with short sets of speed training time, and once you can hit the same pace for those reps, begin to add more. Speed training can be done individually or in groups. The advantage to using a group is accountability but the negative side is that sometimes people are pushed too much. If time does not allow you to work in a group, get a schedule that includes some of the following speed training forms such as hills, stair climbing, fartlek, and tempo.

If time does not allow you to work in a group, get a schedule that includes some of the following speed training forms such as hills, stair climbing, fartlek, and tempo.


Hills are a great way to build stamina in both the physical and emotional realm. It is a way to build muscle and bone density with just body weights. Hills are one of the easiest ways to build speed without injury because you are in control of the speed and excursion on the hill. When you go up a hill at the same speed, you will burn more energy and body weight against the force of gravity. And as you ascend the hill, you build endurance. Recovery happens often as you go down the hill. Other benefits include increased calorie burn.


Using wilderness, a stadium, or a high office building to climb stairs is another great way to build stamina. You can run them until it is uncomfortable and you can recover by walking.


Fartlek is unstructured speed bursts throughout the workout. Another name is “speed play.” They can be done at any surface of hills or a flat surface. Doing a fartlek easily builds oxygen uptake, too, and is a great way to break up the monotony in training.


Tempo is a way to steady train at a pace that is faster than conversation pace but not at an all-out effort. It is running comfortably hard for 20 to 60 minutes. Experts suggest that you should start at a one-half mile and gradually add one-half mile at a time.

Experts agree that when you are doing a speed work, there should be an easy run after a hard run. So now, after getting your run on, here are some options if you are looking for more of a challenge than just going out for a run.

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Christina Chapan

Christina Chapan

Christina Lee Steele Chapan is a certified personal trainer with four certifications from ISSA ACE, AFAA and SCW. She specializes with fitness for children and those adults and children with special needs. In addition to attaining her certifications, she is also a certified elementary and special education school teacher with a B.S. in Elementary Education, a minor in Biblical Studies from North Central University, an endorsement in Special Education, and an M.A. in Curriculum and Development from Governors State University. Her passion is for training the future of tomorrow. She is available for training, speaking and writing.
Christina Chapan

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