Agility Drills

Agility is your body’s ability to be quick, graceful, and nimble. It is how effectively and efficiently you can move as well as change the direction and the position of your body while maintaining control and improving your cardiovascular health. Agility is the ability to move, change direction, and position the body effectively while under control. It also:

Life Can Be A Zoo: A Guide for Stretching for Young Children

Stretching is important for any age especially children since their muscles and bones have not finished growing yet. Though injuries to children are more easily repaired than for adults, bone and ligament injuries never repaired as fully as healthy new muscle. Stretching is generally overlooked in children’s training programs yet children need to stretch for the same reasons as adults.

Hence the following animal poses designed to teach flexibility, strength, balance, concentration, and the importance of stretching, presented as a play, achieve the desired results.

Carbohydrates: Don’t Avoid Them!

Carbohydrates are a group of organic compounds made of carbons that include sugars, starches, celluloses, and gums. They serve as a major energy source in the diets of animals and humans. They provide fuel for aerobic and anaerobic activity. Carbohydrates provide sustained energy for aerobic activity and immediate energy for anaerobic or high-intensity activities. It is essential that long-distance runners and high-intensity athletes intake adequate carbohydrates before, during, and after activity. The appropriate amount will depend on the length and intensity of the activity. Carbohydrates are needed to burn fat and are metabolic primers. When you eat carbohydrates, they are released into your bloodstream, cause insulin to be released, and provide energy to the cells and the blood. This means that carbohydrates, taken in the right amount and in small amounts, can aid in weight loss as well.

Introduction to Using Visual Schedules with Autistic Students

What is a visual schedule?

A visual schedule is a plan that helps those students with limited abilities who cannot communicate, such as those children-through-adults limited speeches, sensory issues, and developmentally challenged as well as autism. They have trouble understanding and giving input to instructions. Persons with limited speech and autism often have difficulty following verbal directions and social cues.  A schedule helps a person to see a plan of action for the exercise session order of events, as well as remain calm, reduce inappropriate behaviors, develop independence, and increase self-esteem.  Even if the whole group does not need a schedule, working with a group of both special needs students and regular education students helps the whole group see a beginning and ending to an exercise session.  A visual schedule is also helpful for breaking down a task that has multiple steps to ensure the teaching and compliance of those steps.

Emotional Eating and More Than 25 Ways to Combat It

“Emotional eating” is a term for eating as a way to deal with stress by consuming alcohol, drugs, or other addictive agents.  It may be an unhealthy way of dealing with depression, negative emotions, or something that is toxic in your life. But help is ready for healing.  Just as a habit takes 21 days to conquer, you can overcome your emotional eating.

Speed Workouts

Whether you are a turtle or a rabbit, speed training is an effective method of any injury-free- based runner. First of all, runners should avoid speed training until they have run for six months or more. It is important for any kind of speed work to start with dynamic warm-ups and slow running with a rate of perceived exertion of 5 and with speed training of 7–8 out of a scale of 1–10. Start with short sets of speed training time, and once you can hit the same pace for those reps, begin to add more. Speed training can be done individually or in groups. The advantage to using a group is accountability but the negative side is that sometimes people are pushed too much. If time does not allow you to work in a group, get a schedule that includes some of the following speed training forms such as hills, stair climbing, fartlek, and tempo.

Massages and More

Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of muscles of the human body. In the last year, 20 percent of people have discussed with their doctor the advantages of a massage. One-fifth of the world’s population has received a massage in the last year. Various types of massages date back more than 3,000 years to ancient China.

Relaxation on the Cheap

There are many ways to relax without spending a ton of money. Several things with just a minimal investment can be done at home. Also, for those who have access to online services like Groupon and Living Social, check out the location and you can get great deals.

Five Love Languages in the Gym

Sometimes we feel like we just are not connecting with our staff, clients, and athletes. A few years ago, I discovered the Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. They transformed the way I work with my fellow co-workers, athletes, friends, and family. With just a little time and effort, you can make those who you have not been able to reach more open to you. In this next paragraph, I will describe each of the five languages as well as ways to inspire and motivate those around you.


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