FPO 006: Answering Your Questions

In this episode, we choose six of your questions and answered them on air.

1.Lynn via LinkedIn asks “I’m new to the fitness field, though I’ve been working out most of my life. Do you have any suggestions for me?”

2.Tyler from the Golden Circle Mastermind Group wrote in and asked “I’ve owned a small training studio for ten years and have had problems with keeping my staff motivated. My client book is solid, but getting them up to par is tough. Any thoughts?”

FPO 006: Answered Questions

Fitness Professional Online Radio Show 006: Answered Questions
Welcome to the Fitness Professional Online Radio Show where you get access to fitness industry news, tips and insights from professionals around the world. Visit us at FitnessProfessionalOnline.com and now, your host, Doug Holt.

FPO 005: Interview with Doug Balzarini

In this show, we get to talk to Doug Balzarini about his background in the fitness industry, how he branched off on his own, and where he see’s the fitness industry headed in the next several years. Doug Balzarini is the creator of DBStrength, a place to provide fitness and wellness education and resources to help others achieve their goals. Doug has transformed from an avid MMA (mixed martial arts) fan to the strength trainer for some of the biggest MMA pros! Learn about the challenges he has faced while making a name for himself and how he has overcome them! More on Doug

New Radio Show!

Getting ready for our latest radio show with Doug Balzarini! Spent all day making sure my hair was done, my outfit was on point till I find out it wasn’t even a video call! With that said, we are so excited to hear all he has to say! We will find out what he thinks regarding the future in personal training education, his background as a fitness professional, and how he got where he is today! Time to learn about how another person is using his passion to transform the fitness industry! Go Doug!

The FPO Team

FPO 003: Interview with Ryan Jeffery Transcript

Fitness Professional Online Radio Show: FPO 003
Welcome to the Fitness Professional online radio show. Where fitness professional all around the world come to get updates, share ideas and learn from the pros. You can visit us at fitnessprofessionalonline.com and on Facebook at facebook.com/fitproonline, now your host Doug Holt.

FPO 001: Interview with Brain Sutton Transcript

Fitness Professional Online Radio Show- FPO 001
Girl: Welcome to the Fitness Professional Online Radio Show, where fitness professionals from around the world come to get updates, share ideas, and learn from the pros. You can visit us at fitnessprofessionalonline.com and on Facebook at facebook.com/fitnessproonline. Now your host, Doug Holt.

Pass the Salt

International Contributor from Bombay , India

So, tell me, who can resist a packet of salty crisps? Well, for starters, I can’t! Crisps, with a sprinkling of salt that gives that crunch and delicious tingle to the taste buds. Ummm. Aside from the fact that, the crisps are deep fried and high in fat and are simply scrumptious because of that, what exactly is it that gives the crisps and the other food we eat, the actual taste?

Well, it’s the salt . Salt is a gustatory delight. You’re probably wondering what’s with the salt we eat that is so significant to my health?

First let me give you a little background about salt. Most people probably think of salt as simply that white granular food seasoning found in a salt shaker on virtually every dining table, It is that, surely, but it is far more.

KettleBell Concepts (KBC)

About KBC

In business since 2002, KettleBell Concepts (KBC) is the business to business leader in kettlebell education for highly credentialed, currently practicing fitness professionals globally. The depth, breath, and scope of the materials presented are geared solely toward fitness and other allied health professionals. With over 5,000 trained and counting, KettleBell Concepts is the only place fitness industry leaders, fitness professionals and other allied health professionals go to get education, products and business solutions for programming. All courses are CEC approved and on the product side their KBC-brand kettlebells are distributed exclusively by KBC’s distributor—SIL FITNESS—a company with a 20 year history in the fitness marketplace.

IDEA Health and Fitness Association (IDEA)

About IDEA

IDEA Health & Fitness Association is the world’s leading organization of fitness and wellness professionals including personal trainers, group fitness instructors, fitness directors and fitness business owners. These professionals coach, train and influence millions of health-minded individuals. Through IDEA professionals in over 80 countries, we “Inspire the World to Fitness®.”

We deliver world-class content and continuing education to fitness professionals through three vehicles:


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