The Body Survival Kit

Have you ever stopped to notice how many things disconnect us on a daily basis from earth? As the rate of technology and lack of inner connection to our body, mind, and soul is rapidly increasing, we are seeing an incredible rate of illnesses, diseases, and injuries. Holistic training focuses on bringing your body, mind, and soul into alignment with yourself and nature in order to improve your: health, well-being, and give you the best looking natural corpse your body was designed to look like while feeling amazing. Here are three simple easy to do steps to get started.

Artistic ABS- Flatter ABS in a Week

Every muscle and organ have its own function and task, but our core is the Queen of your body. It is the fundamental part of our body that keeps our posture upright, supports our back, keeps our immunity and keeps our major organs well intact. Basically, if you did not have a core you could not do 90% of things you are already doing, so begin loving your core.

Now that we all share something in common- abs, the question is who has the prettiest and best-designed abs? The way we train our abs can differentiate how our abs look like. For example, if you do heavy weight training you develop more of the 6 pack abs look. If you exercise holistically you will develop a more natural look.

Your Body’s Anti-Aging Workout

Holistic Fitness is your new anti-aging workout kit to survive the new technological wave and future. The workout was specially designed by International Celebrity trainer Julie Rammal, to strengthen and stretch your body naturally/holistically. The methodology was used by celebrities, the royal family, and VIP & prestigious families worldwide. The workout was kept secret for years and is extremely popular because it gave results in just as little as 3 training sessions with over 15 major benefits including its anti-aging, slimming and firming effects.  It offers therapeutic benefits such as removing physical blockages, opens chakras, meridian points, improves blood circulation and your chi (life force energy), your body and mind awareness. How cool is that?

The Magical Workout

Yes, finally there is a magical workout- it is called holistic fitness. All of your dreams to tone quickly, look perfect, feel great and be healthy can come true. Holistic fitness has been turning the heads of media, press worldwide because it is: incredible, effective, healthy and life changing. It includes the best of Aerobics, Pilates, Yoga, Primal Movements, Martial Arts, Dance, Stretching, and focuses on re-connecting you back to nature.

Holistic fitness was created by Julie Rammal. Originally the methodology was kept secret for years and used to only train Vip, Celebrities, royal families to quickly tone and get in shape. With live events, press, and the launch of the world first holistic fitness DVD: In Light Of Change, it is now available to the public.

5 Golden Rules That Can Help Make You Get Rich

Do you work a regular job from 8-5 or do you have your own business? Do you want to get richer? If you’re a business owner are you waiting for the big business boom? Probably all of us would not mind earning a couple extra thousand dollars and taking a couple extra vacations per year or owning your own jet and yacht.

The truth is: to get rich, you need to be smart and you need to believe in yourself. There are 5 golden rules that can help make you get rich and improve your chances to boost your revenues.

Rule #1: Dream Big

Do you remember when you were a child and you had all these dreams? Or did you have a vision? What happened to your dreams? Did you give them up or build them? Re-assess your dreams, and see if you can bring them to reality. Think about what steps and actions would you need to take to give birth to your dream.


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