Help New Moms Take Baby Steps Towards Fitness

A new mom has a million things she wants to teach her baby, but her baby has a thing or two to teach her as well. Babies develop in stages that can’t be rushed, and for good reason. They will crawl, stand and walk, only when their bodies are ready. There is great wisdom in this for new moms—to only do what their bodies are ready for and that at the time when their bodies are ready. Perhaps then, the first and most important tip for new mom’s about fitness is to listen to their bodies, get enough time off, and start slow.

Proper Guide To Fitness For Clients With Visual Impairments

Approximately 14 million Americans have a self-reported visual impairment that affects their lifestyle and overall well-being. According to the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, individuals who are impaired have lower levels of physical fitness than their sighted companion does. In fact, following daily activities also tend to demand more energy, causing an increase in fatigue. The good news is that visual impairments do not affect the benefits they receive from physical activity.

Training Those With Disabilities: The Importance of Becoming Certified

Everyone is in need of physical activity for favorable health, including people with disabilities. According to the CDC, 53 million adults in the USA are living with a disability. However, nearly 50% of those who are capable of being physically active does not get nearly enough physical activity. As a fitness professional, it is always good to be armed with as many skills and certifications as possible as it will allow you to stand out in an intensely competitive field. Obtaining the necessary certifications that will enable you to provide all-inclusive training to the disabled will not only allow you to cater for a niche market but will see you render an invaluable service to the community as well.

Maintaining Your Integrity As A Personal Trainer

Every personal trainer worth their salt knows that fad diets and exercise programs don’t work. According to a Business Insider report by Chris Weller, this is primarily because in most cases, the science behind these so-called revolutionary fitness hacks have been either blown way out of proportion or optimized to make a certain eating plan or workout appear more effective than they actually are. Unfortunately, these quick fixes are what sell and some personal trainers have started using them to build a solid client base more quickly. But is sacrificing your integrity for the sake of getting more clients really a good idea? Well, the short answer is no—and here’s why:

How Personal Trainers Can Build Client Retention

The personal trainer industry has experienced excellent growth over the past five years, with weight loss services and customized workouts being the most solicited services. Research indicates that the upward trend is poised to continue. Consumer confidence is growing and median incomes are expected to rise, meaning that Americans will have more to spend on health and fitness. Currently, income levels are nearly at pre-recession levels, which is good news for the health and fitness industry and the economy as a whole.

Fitness Clothes To Motivate The Mature Woman

Whether you’re 16 or 60, working out is a way to ensure good health and a fit body. For adults aged 65 years and older, the CDC recommends at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week and muscle-strengthening workouts at least twice a week. Having the motivation to exercise when you’re older can be a challenge, but wearing the right fitness clothes can make you look forward to sweating it out in the gym or outdoors. Even the fashion industry knows this as it has caught on to the demand for beautiful and functional fitness wear dubbed as athleisure clothing which has an estimated market size of $44 billion in the US alone.

3 Tips to Cleaning Your Fitness Equipment Effectively

According to the EmLab P&K, 52% of bacteria found in the gym come from treadmills. Along with a pool of perspiration, germs can lead to a host of other nasty infections. Gym-goers must brace the risk of infections that include E.coli, ringworms, athlete’s foot, staph infection, and plantar warts. If not detected, these infections can lead to serious skin conditions.


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