How Do You Create Marketing That Really Works?

You need revenue, and you need it fast. You spend all night writing an ad that beautifully describes your product or service. You include the fact that you’re convenient, have the lowest prices, the highest quality and have been in business since 1431 B.C.

You pay a small fortune to have the ad placed in your local newspaper, radio, and TV. And what happens? The phone never rings… not even once. Why?

What you need to know…

Every business owner has experienced the frustration of spending hard earned marketing dollars and failing to generate any interest or response. That’s because you focused on the wrong things in your ad.

How to Develop a Neighborhood (Neighboring Business) Referral Program

In 2006 I met one of the smartest marketers that I have ever had the good fortune to cross paths with. He wasn’t a “guru” of any sort. He was a plain, “everyday” independent contractor. I was building out a home theater in our basement and hired a local company to do the job. I admit that it had taken me a couple of years to make this decision, not because I didn’t have the cash flow, but because I wanted it to be just right and I didn’t want to hire just anyone to do the work.

I shopped around, talked to my neighbors, looked on the web and searched through the yellow pages. Thanks to one recommendation from my neighbor, I settled on a guy named Louis who my neighbor had used to upgrade his kitchen a couple of years earlier.

Educate Your Customers

Educate them about what, you may be thinking. Well, consider this, many businesses focus solely on attracting new customers, but you NEED to spend a good chunk of your time retaining current and former customers. These are people you already know to be a good sales potential…they’ve already bought from you!

Take the time to market and sell new products to your old customers and less time trying to sell old products to new customers and you will see a drastic change in your sales, customer quality and branding position.

Here are a couple of key elements to use to retain your current customers:

Lessons I Learned from Paris Hilton

Today we’ll talk about shameless self-promotion. That’s right, I said it! Shameless! After all, we are learning from Paris Hilton here.

It’s all about self-promotion! Self-promotion comes in many forms and you can use different tactics to get your name out there. Look at politicians! Talk about self-promotion and in some not so discreet ways, at that. But, seriously, consider some of the major superstars we all know. Madonna, Donald Trump, Howard Stern and Bill Clinton, just to name a few.

We all self-promote. Did you raise your hand in class to show the teacher you knew the answer? Of course! That’s self-promotion. This is the kind of self-promotion we are talking about. With dignity, class and the knowledge to back it up. If you self-promote only to prove you don’t really know what you’re talking about, you’re going to lose business.


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