Fitness Professional Online

Fitness Professional Online Show : 022 – Shaun Zetlin

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Announcer: Welcome to the Fitness Professional Online Radio Show where you get access to fitness industry news, tips and insights from professionals around the world. Visit us at and now, your host, Doug Holt.

Doug Holt: Hello everyone and welcome to Episode 22. I am your host Doug Holt. I’m excited to be with you again today. Once again, we’re going to be bringing you an exciting interview from an industry professional. Shaun Zetlin is going to join us on the call. Shaun is going to share some tips as well as how he got his book out there. So if you’re interested in getting more media exposure or hearing from somebody that’s already done a very successful job at it, go and grab your pen and paper because you might want to take notes.

Many of you have written in and asked kind of what I’m up to and what the rest of the staff here at Fitness Professional is doing. We’re currently doing a complete website re-haul. We’re on a marketing and internet business where we build websites for other companies especially in the fitness industry. But kind of like the coupler who has no shoes himself, we don’t focus that much on our site because we’re always busy building someone else’s. So we’re flipping that script here and we’re actually going to be working on our own. We’ve been working out with our team over the past week and so you should see some great changes coming up.

Our mission statement is building the fitness industry together, that involves our team as well as you. I’ll try to make this fitness industry a better place so we could help more people. One of the ways we’re doing is by providing free services on so you can get information on not only to how to help your clients but also connect with other fitness professionals as well as grow your business so you can actually help more people out there.

So as soon as you’re done with this show, run on over to, let us know what you think, let us know if there’s something else you want to see. It is our labor of love, meaning, we spend a lot of time trying to make it a better place for you. But if you do have suggestions, we’d love to hear them.

On a personal note, my wife is from the East Coast, New Hampshire, to be exact. So I’m always watching the weather back there. We’re here in sunny Southern California in Santa Barbara where the weather doesn’t change all that much. It’s on the 70s right now so we’re looking to head back to the East Coast for the holidays at some point. Being a Southern California guy, hopefully, I don’t freeze. But let’s go ahead and jump right into the call with Shaun.

For those of you that don’t know Shaun, Shaun’s background and qualifications for the past decade, he has successfully run his own personal training business in the New York Metro Area by being able to relate to each client’s specific and individual needs and goals.

Shaun prides himself on developing exercise, plans and nutritional menus for any clients fitness goals. His clientele range from the athletes, senior citizen, bodybuilder and dancer. Shaun has been given a highly regarded Master Trainer status. He’s got a plethora of certifications and continued education under his belt and he’s got several books out.

We’ll talk about his books as well as his media and success. You’ll get links in the show notes where you can go ahead and check out Shaun’s books and pick one up at rather be at Barnes & Noble or get it online. But let’s not waste any time, let’s jump right into the call and bring Shaun on.

Hey, Shaun. Thank you so much for being online with us today.

Shaun Zetlin: Thank you, Doug. It’s a pleasure and an absolute honor.

Doug Holt: I know you’re back East and its a little cold probably there right now but let’s jump right into it. So as a fellow fitness professional, I’ve always been really impressed to the work that you’re putting out through in the public and especially impressed with the way you’ve gotten yourself out in the media. Can you tell us how that all got started for you?

Shaun Zetlin: The media obviously, it’s very important to produce yourself in the format where you want to reach as many people as possible and then to also sort of find your niche as well. I think for me, I always wanted to relate to everyone. I don’t want to exclude any particular special population.

And in that regard, I find that social media is very helpful in the form of Twitter, Facebook and of course Instagram. And at the same time, just kind of where you are locally. Personally, I’m located in Brooklyn Heights but I also do a lot of work in New York City and so getting yourself out there whether it’s a television show, a radio show, I think it’s important in the fitness world because you want to add through try and greet so many people. Especially if you’re doing great stuff and you really believe in what you’re putting out there, it’s so important for other people besides your client, the people that you see day-to-day to really hear you.

Doug Holt: Yeah, I couldn’t agree with you more. If you can, to someone’s listening that always wanted to be where you are and we’ll get into that a little bit later to in- depth but how did you first get started with getting out into the media? Was it just by chance that someone saw you or did you actually go after it yourself at a plan?

Shaun Zetlin: It’s a great question. I think for me personally, I really wanted it. It wasn’t enough for me to kind of just be the local trainer in my area. I really wanted to be known and I already believed in the plan that I was putting out there. So the first step worked for me were by writing. I always love writing with a great create about less for me.

The next step was that I believed in what I was doing in the sense that these exercise that I was creating sometimes don’t really [05:03] on paper, don’t really [05:04] on the book. They need to be more visually seen. Then from there, I reached out. Even without having an agent at first, I reached out to just locally and then from there, nationally, just to see what I could find.

So the first step was talking to the clients that I already had that I knew were kind of a media and that believed in what I was doing and mentioned to them subtly. “This is kind of what I want to do bigger picture. Do you know of an opening for me? Do you have a step in regards to helping me in my product and make that sure,” someone did, some of course didn’t.

And then a lot of it with myself sort of doing the whole marketing call or “hitting the pavement” as they say where I would go online and see what publication needed a personal trainer or somebody in the fitness world to let’s say write an article but then also wanted a model to do the article. So those are sort of the beginning steps for me and then I think from there, just kind of all, it’s almost like a domino effect where you feel more confident, you feel better about what you’re doing and one thing just continue to reach to another.

Doug Holt: Absolutely. And you’ve done a phenomenal job, I mean, the production from your videos are excellent.

Shaun Zetlin: Thank you very much.

Doug Holt: Jumping for that because you kind of mentioned that briefly. Do you have several books out now? I know you have one coming out soon which I’d like to hear about, a book on “push-up progression” that’s out already. When I pulled that up, it has 5-star reviews from everybody except for one person who gave 4-star.

They gave it a 4-star review which isn’t bad and that personal who committed it didn’t read the whole book and I thought it was fantastic. So I mean, the fact your biggest critic is giving you 4 stars, that’s fantastic. You’re doing something right. How was that journey been for you writing a book and what changes have you noticed that you’ve had to make in order to achieve this kind of success?

Shaun Zetlin: Thank you, Doug. You’re very kind to bring up the reviews. I cover in a lot of books but the first book that I did, as you said was all about push-ups. For me, I absolutely love the exercise. It was a struggle for me to do push-ups on my own as a young child. So as an adult, I wanted to really show my successes in it and deal a little bit deeper on the push-up and sort of take it to another level where it’s not written it as today. Jim [07:17] and 7th grade, there’s so much more to it and I also want to sit around the core because it’s such a popular word this age at our industry and one is to dive deeper on what really is the core. Most of them really engage in when we do the core.

So the first book really stand around the core and then push-ups where came in second and then the new book sort of the ultimate push-up book and that it stands as it is, “the ultimate workout” but in the sense that it’s not yet the core. It’s how to isolate let’s say, your quadro steps or still doing the push-up and let’s say you want to gain more lean mass but the same time, working you’re trying to isolate more gains on your biceps. l So sort of how that not just for the typical bodybuilder but for everyone. Most of my clientele not to get off pays here.

Most of my clienteles that are around the 40 to 50 to 60-year-old but I do have a client for as young as 20 and as old as 90, believe it or not. So eating for them, they can see that benefits of a push-up and so I wanted to neatly kind of dive into the push-up and talk about how he help not just the typical people but everyone.

Doug Holt: I think that’s fantastic. I can already hear some of the thoughts that people listening are saying, “Shaun, I’m a trainer. I know what a push-up is. I don’t need this book” and I disagree with that. Give me the example of how would you isolate the biceps with a push-up for example or how do you talk about that.

Shaun Zetlin: That’s a great question. The first thing is when I talk about push-ups we always talk about where your elbow is and then it’s a little bit still the same. But a lot of times I see people when I’m working on the local gym. I work out here in Brooklyn or I’m on the other gym. It’s probably the most incorrect exercise that’s being performed. We may [09:00] that person that’s on steam. But for most people when I see them do the push-up, they flare up more than 90 degrees of their elbows where their hand position with their elbows is two- fourth not necessarily underneath the chest and so we know that obviously a typical push-up that works the chest that works the triceps.

But let’s say you’re somebody who really wants to work your biceps then of course the push-up can do that in a sense that if we put our elbows in a 90 degree fashion and we’re going down to the push-up. I don’t want the triceps to do all the work. I want to try to transfer some of the weight to the biceps and one of the things that help people is to utilize your palm. Let the palm create stability and as you go down, take it a bit slower then keep the contraction there towards the end.

And so in other words, when you’re descending into the push-up let’s say a second hold. Say you go down, you hold and say 1, 2, 3 and at that East extra conditioning I’m holding, try to engage the biceps. Try to squeeze the biceps in the form. So let those leverage help you as well. It shouldn’t always be those primary movers but the secondary movers up out. That is a small example of again, elbow positioning, palm positioning, and where your body is squeezed in this condition.

Doug Holt: I couldn’t agree more. You do that and you isolate, you kind of go over to the book and you give every major muscle group I’m guessing and how to focus on those?

Shaun Zetlin: Yeah. To be fair, I certainly talk about the big primary movers that for instance they were talking about traditional push-ups. I certainly talk about these traditional push-ups work these muscles but let’s say you’re somebody who had a [10:31] injury or let’s you’re somebody who is trying to gain more tendons strength, then I introduce the standard push-up for instance and I talk about that. There is a lot of isolation in specific in what each push-up is and it help benefit most individuals.

There’s also a whole beginner, intermediate and advance section. And so what I’ve done is like taking everybody sort of let’s you’re somebody as we are and we’re in merged in this field until we feel pretty talking about performing the traditional push-up, you may want to go into the advanced position. But you’re totally fine and so again there’s 24 push-ups in the book and I sit around strength, and stability, and power, and within those sections there’s a beginners, intermediate, and advanced section as well.

So if you’re somebody who let’s say had a lot of stability in your muscles that wants to work on more strength, you want to go back to the beginner steps in which is absolutely fine or if you’re somebody who has a lot of strength and lot of stability but needs more power then you can maybe go back to the beginner power section.

I sort of I’m trying to cover everybody in a sense that whatever your goals are, if your goals are to get bigger biceps or if your goals are to rehab that [11:39] or you’re a professional dancer and you want more power on your legs. My goal is to have this book cover with all of that.

Doug Holt: That’s awesome. I’m going to pick up a copy for sue and my guess is that half the people listening have already dropped to the ground and then started doing push-ups already.

Shaun Zetlin: I would be honored.

Doug Holt: I know I want to. You mentioned a little bit also, something I want to dive into because I think it’s important is that as a child there is you or a young adult, I’m not sure where on your journey but you couldn’t perform a push-up or push- ups were difficult for you. Is that one of the reasons you got into the fitness industry?

Shaun Zetlin: That’s absolutely correct. Unfortunately, I had some growth modern skills growing up. I was born with club feet. My feet were really located inward and I did get that corrected as young child around the age of 3 and 4. But unfortunately, developed the club feet forced my growth motor skills to not be where they should for my age at the time.

I went to a lot of rehab, a lot of camps for children to sort of be more confident emotionally as well as physically. To try to get my muscles and my joint, my tendons to catch up the part of my age and it was a struggle. And I think for me I just got discouraged and had it sort of as I joke around in over weekdays let’s say as a teenager between really the ages of 11 and 14 I was overweight, you could certainly say.

That was hard I think for me because I wanted to be physically fit. I wanted to be an athlete so to speak and so I worked very hard. And then on top of it my father was a professional bodybuilder. He was a very strong influence that we had a lot of Steve Reeves pictures all of the house that they joke about but he was a very big positive influence.

Then we are fortunate enough to have a gym in our house. Growing up in the basement. My father likes to joke and say he was a street mechanic because of course he wasn’t certified but he knew the basics which is a great start for myself and so that lend a helping hand to get me into the industry and influence me the positive direction.

And then as I’ve gotten older I realized “I want to be good at this. I want to be good at these things and if I can do these things myself especially where I come from with these physical limitations, imagine what I could do for somebody else” and that was really the driving support I think like most fitness professionals for me.

Doug Holt: It’s somewhat of a common story of mine. Its Steve Reeves posters tell lot of fitness professionals that have been successful have starting off with an area where maybe they’ve been overweight as a child or have had some sort of limitation they’ve had to overcome. Overcoming it, finding that passion and going back and helping others to do the same. I see that a lot.

Shaun, you’ve given us one example. What is another example of something that you’ve done or a wall you’ve hit in the professional career? That you hit a wall, it didn’t seem that you could overcome it but you did overcome it and made a success. Could you give us an example of that?

Shaun Zetlin: Yeah. I think a really great thing would be to talk about some [14:42] limitations of none of us even have the strength to do a push-up but not having the coordination. I think a lot of times, when I’m working with a new client and I’m showing them a few moves and then it’s nothing I think super complicated but for particular individual who’s just trying out it can be very intimidating. And I like to remind them that “I know how you feel, I’ve been there.”

Hand-eye coordination we talk about [15:04] a lot in the world of fitness training and whole mind-body connection. And I like to really bring the whole power of positivity into my training. Before I’m with a client or even with my own personal work out, there’s this thing you think that you cannot do it. I think that we’re so much stronger than we realize as individuals and so I just practice a simple mantra where I say to myself, “Don’t think you can do something? No, you can do something.”

And so I think the physical limitations of hand-eye coordination or strength or even cardiovascular building. You’re introducing a new move into a client and they’re still intimidated by it. Believing they can do it because the mind-body connection is so strong. It’s so powerful and a lot of it, not to go back to the new book that I’ve written but I call it “A Journey” because I know in society now, we want to see instant gratification. “I want that 10 pounds weight loss” or “I want to be strong overnight.” But it is a journey. It’s an exciting journey. It’s a passionate journey and you could honestly get there and may take a little bit longer than you want to but you can get there.

And so I think not having people get discouraged, you can talk about overcoming something. I think that’s the biggest thing. I think we want something so quickly and so in the new book that I’ve written, I tell people “Don’t worry; it doesn’t have to happen overnight. You will get there. You stay consistent. If you stay the course you’ll absolutely get there.” So I’m a living proof and a lot of my clients are living proof and so if anybody is looking out there, believe me, stay the course. Your fitness is close, it will happen.

Doug Holt: I love that. That’s so inspirational. I really appreciate that. In fact, I think everybody including myself is going to go back and just listen to that little segment right there. What book would you say has made the biggest impact in your life and why?

Shaun Zetlin: That’s a great question. But it’s funny because in college I read them as English literature, it wasn’t anything that fairly anatomy or physiology. But now in between client stuff while I’m working or even on the week, I love to eat out and not necessarily read books but read articles. There are so many amazing fitness professionals out there that inspire me.

Everyone from Brent Bookbush to Thomas Plumber, to Nick Nielsen, to Shawn [17:15] and even yourself.

There are so many amazing people that I love to read and see what they’re putting out there and see how the anatomy works for them. There’s so much science now that we’re talking about legitimate, it’s not just that somebody say, “Well if you do this, that will happen.” There’s science behind what we’re talking about which is fantastic, as there should be of course.

But also to talk about fitness writing is challenging, a lot of people again get turned off, they see something visual and it’s hard to picture the exercise in their mind, what it’s like they’re talking about. And so for me, I’m inspired by reading with other tennis professionals are writing and how they’re writing especially to gain my attention but also to be inspired by, to make it fun or to make it interesting.

So there’s still many great exercise especially what Fitness Professional Online does, again, to offer that service for not even somebody on my level but for somebody again who’s just starting out, who has so many question to, not sure where to go and who maybe wants to get into water riding off though and how do they make fitness writing attractive to somebody to read the articles.

And so, there’s so much great material, I certainly wanted to just pick up one book these days but I’ll be honest, I find myself going to one fitness professional to the other. We know whether it’s a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) [18:35] whatever the certification is, there’s so much great stuff, it could explain in time.

Doug Holt: Yeah, absolutely that’s the fact. One of the reasons our team started for Fitness Professional Online is exactly what you said is I was working for a certification company writing certification textbooks and I wanted to create a place for every fitness professional to have a voice and that information could always be online for free.

So all you had to have was the passion to help somebody, you can go out there and find the information and luckily enough, there are a lot of people like yourself that are willing to share that information out there. So, thank you for that. You’ve been a great asset to all of fitness professionals around the world. So big thank you from all of them.

Shaun Zetlin: Thank you, Doug. It’s a complete honor, honestly.

Doug Holt: So let me set the scene here. I have a question for you. You’re in New York walking around, you find a time machine, you’re able to go back and talk to yourself during your first year as a fitness professional, what advice do you give your younger self?

Shaun Zetlin: I love that question. I would say, “Don’t worry about knowing at all.” It’s probably that simple for me. And my first year, the cheering has always been there for me given my history of physical fitness and wanting to inspire to be something super great.

The first year I was a trainer, I tried to educate myself as much as I possibly could. So going to workshops, reading, [19:55] reading every certification I could, going to these workshops, trying to listen to people who have done it before me and so worried I was going to either heard a client or not having the complete confidence in my ability. Again, with my first year and you want to set the scene, you want to make such as a strong stake in the business.

So I think if I could go back, at the beginning, it’s close to 13 years now, if I could go back 13 years ago, I say to myself, “Don’t worry about knowing it all. You’re doing the best you can right now. The most you can right now, you’re in-tuned with the clients’ personality, you’re in-tuned with physical abilities and has done with it. Because they are there to have fun, I mean, they are there because they’re looking to you to guide them and there’s to have fun a hook along the way with it” and so I think that’s what I would tell myself.

Doug Holt: That’s great advice, I love it. Absolutely great. So give us a little idea of where we’re going to see you next year or 2 years from now? Where you’re going? What’s the next step?

Shaun Zetlin: For me, the new book, Push-up Progression comes up January 1, 2015 so that’s the step earlier for me already but I’m going to continue writing, continue with doing all my training here. I’m based on Brooklyn Heights but I’m also in New York City pretty much the entire length of to Manhattan from top to bottom. So I’m sort of all over with my clients as well, I’m loving every minute of that. And I think I’d like to just continue with what I’ve been doing and put myself out there with even more media outlets. Continue to write, continue to train, it’s yes to do this industry that I’m so passionate about and love and cared so much for.

Doug Holt: Cool. Are we going to see you on a TV show soon?

Shaun Zetlin: I’m certainly working on it. I don’t want to say a 100 percent sure but I had some good things set up for the year and when they become official, I will certainly enough to.

Doug Holt: Alright. Please let us know. I’d love to tell everybody about it. I’m sure everybody listening would like to know too. I know your book doesn’t come out until January, can we pre-order it?

Shaun Zetlin: Yes, absolutely. You can go to, you can search under my name Shaun Zetlin. It’s in Barnes & Noble, it’s in Amazon and it will be in stores nationwide and supposedly, worldwide in January 1st.

Doug Holt: Cool. Awesome, man. I want to go back a little bit more back on to just the fitness train here, just the thought. I talked about the business, I know you can too all the time, so it’s where got both of us there. When you’re working out with your clients and you’re working in their homes, correct? Most of them?

Shaun Zetlin: Yes, correct.

Doug Holt: Are there certain pieces of equipment that you think are essential for you to work with your clients? What are those?

Shaun Zetlin: Yeah. For me, I’m really big into bodyweight. I always tell a client, “I love dumbbells and I love the former which you want to dive into a minute. But I think before you could pick up a piece of equipment, you have to really mobilize your own body. Your own body is such an asset. It’s such a vital piece of equipment.”

And so again, before we touch dumbbell, because I love dumbbell for the isolation and there’s such a great piece of equipment to have in your home because they can obviously be stored easily, but a lot of people go right to “Well, I need a machine” or “I need a band” or “I need something…” and I always tell everybody, “You don’t need to advance first. You just need yourself. It’s so important to do the stabilization in your body to create the strength and then to create the power.”

And then, the other thing is that a lot of people don’t know when muscles are overactive or underactive on them. And a lot of stuff that I’d love to do with the client is the corrective exercise. And so, if the client says to me, “I really want bigger chest or bigger shoulders” but they [23:28] extremities order, I want to be able to stick to the upper extremities door at the same time give them those aesthetical.

So again, for me, it’s bodyweight stuff first. And I love the [23:38] SMR, I think that’s just amazing for [23:41] relief. And it’s not just the stretch [23:48]. I had clients used the [23:50] for push-ups, hitting to do a remedial lounge above here at foot squat. So there’s so much you can do with the [23:56] I absolutely love. And then again, dumbbells. I mean, the isolation of dumbbells occur. It’s honestly a stretch muscle fibers to use dumbbells. You can’t be to range emotion. There’s so much to do with them.

Again, I love isometric. I love the [24:11] of the dumbbell works but it’s a whole of the dumbbells and put [24:16]. It’s still fun for me. I have a clients that sure get the dumbbells, foe molar. I know it’s for me are the “must haves” and they have a larger space. Then, I certainly dive into the [24:28] I love instability piece of equipment I have to enjoy and then maybe even some bands, the spin and cower, would be excellent. You don’t need a lot of equipment. You just really need your own body.

Doug Holt: We had Jeff Drock on earlier and we’re talking about working in people’s homes and how to run that business. Are there any business tips for trainers that are out there that are trying to get out with the gym setting to get into people’s homes, how do you achieve that success?

Shaun Zetlin: I was in a corporate facility for almost honestly 8 years and it served a great purpose for me. The education in itself of training clients, working with individuals, throttling myself in program design to that individual with essentials. But I think, after now, I wanted more freedom for myself and not just financially, just to run my own business the way I had seized it. A lot of bit of conversation is for to me, I think out at certain time, personal training is personal.

It’s obvious to say especially to the young viewers who are listening in the field that your clients are there in your hands. They trust you. That’s why they’re with you, number one. That’s why they stayed with you. That’s why you retained them. They trust you, they believe in you. And if you can get them a good workout no matter where it is, they’re certainly going to follow. I mean, you are your own individual. You cannot be duplicated.

I even say that to the young people that I see nowadays. I tell them all the time, “What you’re putting out there is essential. Nobody can do what you do.” And so, I think it’s a conversation at first. I think both parties have to be absolutely comfortable with it. It has to be conducive. But I always say to a client, “Let there be one consistent space in your apartment or your house where you workout, let that be your space because this is your time. We’re doing it for you. You’re doing it to get healthier whether it’s aesthetical or functional goals, we’re doing it for you.

So let that one space be your space. Keep it there and so we make it consistent.” And so when I go and both parties are very, very comfortable and then over time, like any good repetition has become easy. At any time, it becomes challenging or stressful to both parties, then there has to be obviously a back-up plan but I think it can work very well. I think personal training is still personal. I think most clients like the one-on-one. They don’t really need to go to a gym. If you can provide them just as good as service if not there, they’re happy to do it in their home.

Doug Holt: Great advice. The same advice Dr. Seuss gave. “There’s no one alive who is youer than you. I mean, you can’t beat that.”

Shaun Zetlin: Yeah, because it’s you clearly.

Doug Holt: Absolutely. Words of wisdom by Dr. Seuss, my favorite philosopher. Anybody could make you laugh. It works. Any words of parting advice for a trainer that’s listening to this that sees your success and sees kind of the road that you’re down and says, “Hey geez, I want to go down that road but I’m not sure if I can,” what would you tell them?

Shaun Zetlin: I would tell them number to believe in themselves and this is such an exciting. I mean, we’re young industry. So if you really think about it, this is still a very, very young industry and you have all the power in the world to make it what you want. This is not a standard 9 to 5 job. I mean, if you’re a trainer, you’re under that whole freelance mentality. “I’m going to train as many people as I want but what else do what I want to do? How else can I reach the masses?”

There’s so much freedom involved in this industry and so I would say to a young person listening, let this be what you want to be. Believe in yourself, get educated first yet, learn enough. I always tell that to every young person I speak to now. I’m still learning. I think everybody is still learning. We all have stuff to learn. But keep learning, get yourself educated and think about what you really want to do. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a 5 or 10-year plan, but who do you want to reach? What do you believe in? Are you into [28:17], are you in dumbbells, are you in the strength training? I mean, what is your niche? What do you believe in? And then make it your own and keep striving, keep believing because again, it can be anything you wanted to be. There’s so much freedom involved here.

So I would just keep telling them to stay at the course, come up with a blueprint that they think works for them. Start locally and then you can go national but most important, get educated first. Keep learning.

Doug Holt: Shaun, if this TV thing doesn’t work out, you got to go on a motivational circuit, man. You got me pumped up. I’ve hasten up my shoes right now again ready to run. I love it.

Shaun Zetlin: Thank you, Doug. You’re very kind. I appreciate that.

Doug Holt: We’re out of time right now. But people who are listening to this, definitely they’re going to want to find out more about you. Where do they go?

Shaun Zetlin: They can go to my website which is probably the easiest way to reach me. But I’ll just spell it out, My social media handles are @zetlinfitness on Twitter and it’s Zetlin’s Fitness on Facebook as well. I’m happy to answer any question that anybody has. Feel free to reach out to me. It’s not a burden, I love answering questions and I’m happy to help everyone.

Doug Holt: Shaun, I’ll put those on the show notes and for everybody listening, you can always go to Fitness Professional Online and get the show notes from the show. Lots of great stuff. Go to Shaun’s website. You got to see his videos there, extremely professionally done and really informative. So again, Shaun I know your busy. Thank you so much for taking the time. You’re very generous. I really appreciate and love to have you back on sometime soon when the new book comes out.

Shaun Zetlin: Thank you, Doug. It’s a complete honor. I want to thank you for all the hard work you do, all the amazing things you do to fitness industry with Fitness Professional Online and all your businesses and thank you for inspiring me personally and for putting such great materials out there in the world. Thank you so much.

Doug Holt: Shaun is such a nice guy. I’ve been talking to him offline as well and just getting to know him over the past few years. I’m always impressed with all his doing. He’s always so willing to give back to the industry, another fitness professionals. I encourage you to reach out to Shaun via social media or email, just such a good person and such a great ambassador for us fitness professionals.

That’s all for us today. If you get a chance, please go over to iTunes and give us a 5-star if you feel we deserve it, it does help us out. A lot of our staffs stay late at night to try to get this out on-time for you guys and hopefully, you’re getting something from it. We’re getting the emails, we love them. iTunes reviews is just kind of that kudos to know that all that hard work is worth it.

Also like I said, we are doing a site re-haul. So if you go over to, let us know what you want to see. We’re trying to make the articles and the information we have much easier to get to as well as other shows and creating some new mastermind groups so it’s easier for everybody to connect. As always, you can always get a hold of me as well. That information will also be in the show notes. Have a happy and healthy week.

Announcer: Thank you for listening to the Fitness Professional Online Radio Show. You can share your thoughts and join the discussion on this episode by going through our website or on Let us know what you’d like to hear on future shows and please feel free to contact us via e-mail or give us a call at (805) 500-6893. We look forward to hearing from you.

Links and Resources Mentioned on this Episode:

Book Mentioned:

Shaun Zetlin : Push-up Progression

Sources from Shaun:


National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

Shaun’s Website: Zetlin Fitness

Shaun Zetlin’s Twitter

Shaun Zetlin’s Facebook

FPO Crew

FPO Crew

The FPO Crew is made up of a number of skilled, fit, intelligent, and beautiful people who love overall wellness as well as helping people. Everyone in The FPO Crew has a true passion for working with Fitness Professionals all around the world to help grow the industry and thus help more people on a larger scale.
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