The Five Steps To Follow To Achieve Lasting Change

John C. Norcross is an internationally recognized expert on behavior change, the author of “Changeology” and an undisputed authority on New Year’s resolutions!

Unlike most self-help books, John’s book “Changeology” has a strong scientific foundation and is best suited to those who want to alter negative habits. It springs from three decades of scientific exploration and uses behavior modification tactics  that have worked successfully with tens of thousands of people.

However, that said, before starting, any client should meet these three criteria:

How to Retain Your Clients (The ones you want!) For Years

We all understand how valuable client retention is or at least I hope so. So I’m not going to explain too much in that department (that’s an entirely different discussion). Instead, we are going to focus in on the “HOW” of retaining clients. There are so many variables that go into client retention but if I had to sum it up in one sentence it would be: “You have to be the best trainer you can be all the time!”
Maintain Integrity
First, and probably the most important in any successful business, is to maintain integrity. This is especially the case in the fitness industry where we are over-run with Joe Schmoe trainers who just laid on their coach and printed a $25 certification offline instead of actually opening a book and studying. Integrity is doing what you are supposed to do, when you are supposed to do it, in the method that it is supposed to be done, and doing it all the time, no matter who’s watching or what other’s think. So personally I would break all those down into questions and ask yourself: Am I doing WHAT I am supposed to do as a “Fitness Professional?”

Keys to Starting Your Own Fitness Business

There are several things that are critical to your success when deciding to start your own fitness business. From my personal experience and through years of working in large, small, corporate, and independent facilities experience is crucial. Do not rush and take that leap until you are confident that you have to abilities to run every dynamic of a fitness facility.

Experience & Education

First, ensure that you are proper educated with at least 1 credible certification but hopefully more since you are interested in your own facility. Education is the line between success and failure. Not only should you have education in personal training, but you need to educate yourself in business management, finance, marketing, leadership, and many more roles that you will need to fill. Experience along with education is just as important. The hands on experience you can learn from working in a variety of positions in a variety of facilities is invaluable. I contribute a large majority of my success to having worked every department in a facility from the front desk, kids club, membership sales, management and more. Not only are these skills critical for you to understand but you will also have to teach these skills to your future employees and you cannot teach what you do not know.

Instagram Business Crash Course

Instagram is one of the leading social media platforms for both individuals and businesses. It’s the perfect community to build a presence with support and credibility. You may think you know the in’s and out’s of Instagram but there are more tips and tricks than you think that will earn you more followers and activity, which is essential for your business to grow.

Typically we only release these ‘courses’ to those who are in our mastermind groups, however, it added so much value to one of our mastermind groups that we knew we had to give all the Fit Pros on FPO an opportunity to learn from it as well. We received really positive feedback from those who were on the call that we really encourage you to grab a notebook, grab a pen, sit down with a ready-to-learn spirit and press play!

5 Golden Rules That Can Help Make You Get Rich

Do you work a regular job from 8-5 or do you have your own business? Do you want to get richer? If you’re a business owner are you waiting for the big business boom? Probably all of us would not mind earning a couple extra thousand dollars and taking a couple extra vacations per year or owning your own jet and yacht.

The truth is: to get rich, you need to be smart and you need to believe in yourself. There are 5 golden rules that can help make you get rich and improve your chances to boost your revenues.

Rule #1: Dream Big

Do you remember when you were a child and you had all these dreams? Or did you have a vision? What happened to your dreams? Did you give them up or build them? Re-assess your dreams, and see if you can bring them to reality. Think about what steps and actions would you need to take to give birth to your dream.

How to Develop a Neighborhood (Neighboring Business) Referral Program

In 2006 I met one of the smartest marketers that I have ever had the good fortune to cross paths with. He wasn’t a “guru” of any sort. He was a plain, “everyday” independent contractor. I was building out a home theater in our basement and hired a local company to do the job. I admit that it had taken me a couple of years to make this decision, not because I didn’t have the cash flow, but because I wanted it to be just right and I didn’t want to hire just anyone to do the work.

I shopped around, talked to my neighbors, looked on the web and searched through the yellow pages. Thanks to one recommendation from my neighbor, I settled on a guy named Louis who my neighbor had used to upgrade his kitchen a couple of years earlier.

New Clients And Keeping Them Engaged

Getting clients to take action outside the gym can be one of the hardest parts of being an effective trainer.

When we get certified as trainers we learn a ton about how to train people. What we don’t necessarily learn is how deal with people.

To make a career out of training your clients need to see progress pretty quick or else you’ll lose them.

With 168 hours in a week and the fact that you probably only train a person on average 2 times a week. That is less than 2% of the week your client is with you.

If you are not giving them smart easily do-able strategic steps to work on, they will more than likely go right back into their pre-existing way of life resulting in little lifestyle change.

The question remains: How do we best engaged them?


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