Behavior Regulation Tools for Autistic Clients

As trainers work with children and teens on the autism spectrum, it is very important that they work hand in hand with other caregivers.  Many of the effective tools they use can also be employed successfully in the fitness environment.

The tools show what behavior is to be expected in certain situations, visual aids to remind them of acceptable behavior and options shown to independently monitor their own behavior.

Life Can Be A Zoo: A Guide for Stretching for Young Children

Stretching is important for any age especially children since their muscles and bones have not finished growing yet. Though injuries to children are more easily repaired than for adults, bone and ligament injuries never repaired as fully as healthy new muscle. Stretching is generally overlooked in children’s training programs yet children need to stretch for the same reasons as adults.

Hence the following animal poses designed to teach flexibility, strength, balance, concentration, and the importance of stretching, presented as a play, achieve the desired results.

Beginning Sports Program for Preschoolers

It is a challenge to prepare for a preschool fitness program with young children.  Parents have various expectations that are realistic to have fun but unrealistic thinking that this one class will prepare them for a particular sport or skill.  However, I have found that even a hectic program for preschool students with special needs and their siblings can be effective if the following protocols are followed. 
Preparation:  Trainers or teachers need to have all the equipment ready.  That means that the teachers need to get to the program early and make sure you are prepared for all the activities.  Having a skeleton plan is helpful, not only for you but also all of your staff that works for you.  I typically have a lanyard with a list of activities but I also explain that I may or may not go in that particular order of activities. 

Get Kids Active with Go Noodle!

My passion is both education and fitness.  As a special and elementary teacher and certified trainer and instructor, I see where so many teachers are overwhelmed to keep their children focused, happy and busy. So in order to keep with the demands of pressure to teach academic concepts, there is a website that allows teachers to motivate, refocus and get the wiggles out that is available at both home and school.  This website is GoNoodle.

Fitness Collaboration to Fight Childhood Obesity

physical activity breaks

Most people can agree that physical activity is vital to our health and living a long life, but this does not mean everyone engages in exercise and eats well-balanced, nutritional meals. Obesity seems to be on the high rise, not just with adults, but with children, as well. These youngsters are the future of our generation, of the world, and how are we supposed to witness their potential if they never make it past their formative years due to obesity, poor diet, and almost no physical exercise? Staying active are of the utmost importance for the development of growing children. For them to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams, whatever they may be, it all starts with exercise.

Exercise gives them the energy to do things productively on a day-to-day basis. However, while this sounds all poetic and inspirational, the reality of it is that many schools lack fitness education programs. People do not realize just how crucial a physical education class is as opposed to a Biology class, an English class, or a Math class. Fitness education is just as important. Why do people work out? Simple.


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