Supercharge Your Family Workouts With Superfood Smoothies

Good nutrition plays an essential role in the health and fitness of your family. However, only 22% of toddlers and preschoolers, and only 16% of kids aged six to eleven get the recommended five or more servings of fruit and vegetables a day, Ohio State research reveals. Enter: smoothies. Delicious and packing an impressive nutritional punch, smoothies make it easy to get in the essential sugars, fat, protein, minerals, and vitamins that fuel your family’s fit lifestyle. You can sneak several portions of fruit and veggies into one smoothie — a lifesaver if you have fussy kids.

Carbohydrates: Don’t Avoid Them!

Carbohydrates are a group of organic compounds made of carbons that include sugars, starches, celluloses, and gums. They serve as a major energy source in the diets of animals and humans. They provide fuel for aerobic and anaerobic activity. Carbohydrates provide sustained energy for aerobic activity and immediate energy for anaerobic or high-intensity activities. It is essential that long-distance runners and high-intensity athletes intake adequate carbohydrates before, during, and after activity. The appropriate amount will depend on the length and intensity of the activity. Carbohydrates are needed to burn fat and are metabolic primers. When you eat carbohydrates, they are released into your bloodstream, cause insulin to be released, and provide energy to the cells and the blood. This means that carbohydrates, taken in the right amount and in small amounts, can aid in weight loss as well.

How important is emotional fitness to gaining physical fitness?

How important is emotional fitness to gaining physical fitness?  Is this something that I should be teaching my clients?

In a word, YES!  There’s been a shift recently within the fitness industry towards a more holistic, wellbeing approach to attaining a fit lifestyle by encompassing other aspects besides the physical components.  As the World Health Organization reminds us, wellness goes beyond simply being disease-free.  It includes other dimensions such as mental, social, spiritual, and emotional.  We train our clients (and ourselves) to make good decisions when it comes to physical wellness such as exercise and nutrition… but do you focus on training emotional fitness?  If not, here are some reasons why you should.

Big Picture Principle: 3 Step System to Simplify Your Client’s Diet Plan

Your clients have probably been bombarded with all sorts of advice and ideas. And you might feel like you are just adding to their burden by recommending yet another regimen to follow. Instead what they really need is a simple shift in mindset and an approach that will allow them to make better choices without sapping their willpower and beating themselves up. If you help them understand some basic principles they can easily remember, you’ll empower them to take control of their health and be responsible for creating more vitality in their lives, with you as the catalyst, not the commander.

When I was a child I started reading nutrition books. I became particular enough about food that my mother was concerned I was anorexic even though I had a big appetite. I actually only went through one phase where I was counting calories and the amount of nutrients I was getting. Most of the time I wanted to enjoy life and not be too particular.

Podcasts for Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle

Check out these great podcasts for keeping a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle!
The Fit Coast- Your Fitness and Nutrition Podcast:                                  
These podcasts have everything you need from nutrition facts and life lessons to exercise tips. Get inspired with great tips of how to live a positive lifestyle and how to eat to stay healthy and fit. Find the right podcast for you as a fitness professional.

You Are What You Eat: The Chicken and the Egg Part 1

This part of the series covers various types of poultry, not just chicken, as well as what they lay — eggs. All too often, people limit their fare to the point where what they eat is so boring that they either become compulsive, binge, or give up altogether. There is more to life than boiled, skinless chicken breast.That said, allow me contradict myself immediately by saying that every fitness foodie’s freezer should contain a large bag of flash-frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts! As long as you know how to prepare them properly, they’re easy, quick and delicious, but don’t limit yourself. Live a little and enjoy Nature’s bounty.

Chicken – Since we’re on the subject, let’s start with the most common form of poultry in the United States. Like beef, there are several different varieties, such as capons (a castrated rooster – the same idea as a steer), roasters (usually large), fryers (the most common) and stewing hens (old layers used for making soup). Because of the demand, you can purchase either a whole chicken; what’s often termed “best of fryer” which leaves out the bonier parts; or only one part, such as drummettes, which are often prepared with a hot sauce for messy, albeit delicious, appetizers.

Glorious (Injurious) Gluten

Every now and then I am reminded of, what has become old hat to me,  the new “shiny object” (to avoid) for some. This particular shiny object I am referring to is Gluten.

Before I even venture down this path, I want to be very clear about something; while I may have done enough independent research, out of sheer necessity, and visited enough healthcare facilities to be awarded an honorary degree, I am NOT a Doctor. I’m not even a Phlebotomist.

All my life I’ve been a bit of a medical oddity. There’s been nothing textbook about my body, and the way it responds to “modern” medicine. I could ramble about my medical history for days. Unfortunately, no matter how many times, or how many people have attempted to dissect it, the puzzle pieces never seem to match up. I won’t bore you with my complete medical history, as there simply isn’t enough Ritalin in this world to hold anyone’s attention for that. Not even my own. Yes, you can add Attention Deficit Disorder to that loooooooong list.

Avoiding Fat Traps during Summer Travel

People train vigorously through the winter and spring preparing for the summer season. June 21 will be the first official day of summer and with it begins a period of travel and leisure for many families and individuals. It feels great when your perseverance and tenacity in training translates into a lean and healthy body. Unfortunately time spent traveling in cars, campers, and planes or the time spent in hotels can compromise all of your hard work and sacrifices you made preparing for summer. With a few considerations for summertime travel, you can still have a great time and stay in top shape.

Many of us will travel by car to our favorite destinations. Time spent on the road can reek havoc on your nutrition if you do not prepare in advance. Here are a few tips to consider when traveling on the road.


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